This is the largest shawl I have knitted.
The dimensions are:
Width 101.5 cm (40")
Length 228 cm (89")
I knitted this using Bendigo Woolen Mills Classic 2 ply in Peonie.
A close-up of the border
And the secret? This is how the designer Monika Eckert described it:
"Bad Nauheim belongs to the European Art Nouveau Network which is very special, we are the only town in Germany who is member of this group as you need to fulfill special requirements to get part of it. To read a little bit more about it just look here:
If you visit this page and click on "Tour" and then choose "Sprudelhof" (fountain yard) you will find a lot of great pictures of this great monument and one of them was the basic idea to create the shawl. Bad Nauheim stands for healing water and water is represented in a lot of windows and doors in the fountain yard. Bad Nauheim is also known for thousands of years to produce salt, the celts had been here to produce salt and this is one part of the border, the salt crystal. As Bad Nauheim is also known for his healing water and recreation I decided to choose the icon the city of Bad Nauheim uses on their website for the border. Two people standing in front of a fountain, arms stretched and behind them the fountain... "
My thanks to Moni for a lovely shawl. pattern.